Doll Ottoman
Poor Ken is being pushed over by Barbie. Haha, but that’s life for you, sometimes we do the pushing when we don’t mean to, and sometimes we get pushed around by those who don’t mean to…. and I didn’t mean for the picture to come out that way. I didn’t see it when I took the pic, and was too lazy to go back later and redo it. I think it’s kinda cute though. :)
Anyhow, I’ve been meaning to publish this for a while now, but wasn’t sure about it as I’m using a rare lid that most of you might not have. I got it off an empty matcha can, and in my mind it is so perfect for this. (For those who don’t know, I’m totally addicted to matcha. It’s my brain food, my antioxidant, my coffee substitute and my tea at all hours of the day. If you’d like to try some for yourself, Google it online or visit your nearest specialty tea store. There are some brands that you just don’t buy, but Teavana has my favorite.)
The lid measures 6cm across the diameter and 1.5cm high. I looked in my cupboards to find a similar lid, but couldn’t find one at the moment. If you can’t find one you might be able to adjust the pattern for a different size lid.
And, feel free to crochet this in any colors. I worked one in a single color, and the other in a two-toned color. As you can see, I didn’t do my color change very good. For a cleaner look, use a standing crochet stitch to begin each round instead of carrying the yarn.
Also, this pattern has not been tested by anyone other than me, so please let me know if you run into any problems.
Pattern information:
Skill Level: Easy
Yarn: Medium weight yarn #4 – I used Red Heart Super Saver & Vanna’s Choice
Crochet Hook: H/8-5.00mm
Lid: I used a lid from a Matcha tea can with a measurement of 6cm across diameter and 1.5cm high; any similar lid will do.
CA = Color A – Purple
CB = Color B – Black
Bpesc = Back Post Extended Singe Crochet
Ch/Chs = Chain/Chains
Esc = Extended Single Crochet
Rep = Repeat
Sc = Single Crochet
Sc2tog = Single Crochet Two Together
Sl St = Slip Stitch
St/Sts = Stitch/Stitches
Notes & Special Stitch Instructions:
Extended Single Crochet (ESC): Insert hook in stitch indicated, yarn over and pull up a loop, yarn over and pull through one loop, yarn over and pull through both loops on hook.
Join new color in joining sl st of each rnd. Carry yarn up at each round. Or, for a clean start at each new round, use a standing crochet stitch.
You can also omit the color changes and crochet it in a solid color.
Pattern Instructions:
Rnd 1: With CA, Ch 2, work 8 esc into 2nd ch from hook; join with sl st in first esc. (8 sts)
Rnd 2: With CB, Ch 1 (does not count as st now and throughout), work 2 esc in same st as join and into each st around; join with sl st in first esc. (16 sts)
Rnd 3: With CA, Ch 1, esc in same st as join, 2 esc in next st, *esc in next st, 2 esc in next st; rep from * around; join with sl st in first esc. (24 sts)
Rnd 4: With CB, Ch 1, bpesc in same st as join and into each st around; join with sl st in first bpesc. (24 sts)
Note: Do more or less increase rounds depending on your lid.
Rnd 5: With CA, Ch 1, esc in same st as join and into each st around; join with sl st in first esc. (24 sts)
Rnd 6: With CB, rep rnd 5. Do as many rows as needed to cover the side of lid.
Note: You might want to Fasten off CB and weave in the ends after you make your last color change.
Rnd 7: Place cozy over lid. With CA, Ch 1, sc in same st as join, sc2tog, *sc in next st, sc2tog; rep from * around; join with sl st in first sc. Fasten Off.
Hope you enjoy!