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Kitty Cat Crochet Photo Pattern - by Patrice Walker - Yarn Over, Pull Through

Kitty Cat Crochet Photo Pattern – By Patrice Walker

A FREE kitty photo pattern by Patrice Walker from Yarn Over, Pull Through. Learn how to crochet photo patterns and see how you can take your photos and turn them into beautiful crocheted art. It’s like tapestry, but you follow a word pattern instead of a chart.

Crocheting and Knitting for Special Events

Crocheting and Knitting for Special Events

Whether it’s the homely look or style of the clothing that keeps them interested nobody will ever know, but there is definitely something special about the lovingly crafted crocheted or knitted items.

Photo contributed by: Paul Smith. TOPPAPERS.ORG You can also connect with Paul here on Google+.

Sewing For the First Time

Tips for sewing the first time. These sewing tips will help to save you time and money while embarking on a new hobby.